A Soofa Sign Guide for City Landowners

What are Soofa Signs? 

Soofa Signs are solar-powered, eight foot digital kiosks designed to enhance city communication and serve as a platform for advertising. Since 2014, Soofa Signs and their E-Ink technology have evolved to improve engagement in large and small communities all over the country. With signs in 57 cities, neighborhoods everywhere are experiencing Soofa’s ease of use platform, custom design opportunities, insight into pedestrian activity, and more. 


Digital Communication Features 

Many cities gain value in the countless communication features, like widgets, that come with Soofa Signs. Landowners can easily access and customize Soofa Sign content based on their needs with our online platform Soofa Talk. Here are some of the most popular features among our current customers. 

Social Media: Connect your Facebook, Twitter/X, or Instagram accounts to your Soofa Sign to have updates be seen online and in person.

Local Updates: Input event information, business hours, or urgent messages and know it’s being seen by whoever passes by your Soofa Sign.

Business Listings: Share popular or nearby businesses on your sign to easily amplify them to visitors.

Poster: Create a custom poster promoting anything you want, and set it to stay on your sign for up to five days. 

Air Quality: Share your community’s air quality to everyone, allowing people to make informed decisions on their outside activities for the day.  

Polling: Get feedback on important topics or create a fun question for increased engagement. Landowners can monitor and post new questions and responses at any time. 

Transit: Share local transit information like bus schedules or train ticket links to anyone, regardless of their access to a smart device. 


Other Benefits for Cities 

Our city partners find value in many Soofa Sign features and widgets, but there are other benefits Soofa Signs bring to a community. 

Way-finding: Add a way-finding map to the back of your Soofa Sign, or create a visual on the digital screen for passersby to interact with. 

Custom Design: Make your Soofa Signs a focal point for the community by designing city branded static vinyl. Create your own design, or work with our graphic design team to make your city’s visuals come to life on the sidewalks. 

Flexible Location Options: Thanks to Soofa’s ease of installation and solar-powered design, our signs can go where other digital kiosks can’t. Choose exactly where you want your signs to live and even change locations for special events or store openings. 

Advertising Revenue Opportunities: All landowners have the ability to allow advertising on their signs, which includes a share of revenue from all campaigns sold. 


City Stories 

Hear unique stories from some of our long standing customers on their experiences with Soofa Signs and the features they love most. 

Specs and Hardware 

Check out our specs sheet to know more about vinyl branding and dimensions of our signs. All signs are installed within 30 minutes with four bolts. Landowners also have the option to use a weighted metal plate to secure the sign in spot, allowing for easy mobility if needed. 


Bring a new, sustainable technology option like Soofa Signs to your city and create more engagement with your community than ever before. Want to learn more? Then fill out our landowner interest form or email hi@soofadigital.com