Soofa and Harpoon team up to bring people together because “isn’t that what drinking beer is all about?”
Harpoon Brewery's Chris Bonacci, Vice President of Marketing, and Juliet Tierney, Director of Digital Strategy, championed this innovative marketing strategy for Harpoon to be involved in the launch of the Seaport Soofa Sign network.
At a glance.
Harpoon Brewery, a proud member of the Seaport community since 1987, wants to remind people that whether they’re enjoying a Harpoon beer at a neighborhood bar or in Harpoon’s Beer Hall, they can be sure their beer is incredibly fresh: after all, it was brewed only a few feet away!
With the Soofa Sign, Harpoon is able to reach visitors and residents alike on the sidewalks of the Seaport and remind them that a cold, locally-brewed Harpoon is brewed only a short distance away, and available at any local Seaport bar or restaurant.
As the Seaport becomes a destination for locals and visitors alike, Harpoon remains top of mind as the local go-to choice when ordering a drink or looking for a place to get together.
Harpoon's advertisement was the first content showing as we removed the screen protector from our newly-installed Seaport Boulevard Soofa Sign.
The Goal.
Soofa recently launched Soofa Signs in the world-famous Boston Seaport District with Harpoon Brewery as a charter advertising partner. Harpoon was founded in 1986 by three friends who loved beer and loved drinking beer together. A year later, in June of 1987, a warehouse space on the Boston waterfront was transformed into a brewery and the first Harpoon Ale was brewed. 31 years later, Harpoon is leveraging the latest and greatest MIT Media Lab-born technology to remind people that Harpoon Brewery is here in the Seaport, excited to be a part of this thriving community and always ready to share some beers amongst friends.
The Challenge.
Since launching in a waterfront warehouse over 30 years ago, Harpoon has seen the Seaport transform from a thriving shipping area to a no-man’s land of parking lots and finally into the cultural epicenter it is today, home to the newest Soofa Sign deployment in the country. Not only does Harpoon host some great events down the street, but more importantly, one of Boston's most beloved beers is brewed only a short distance away in this new hot neighborhood. No matter where you go to order your Harpoon beer, you know it's going to be fresh because, well, it didn't really have to go very far to reach you.
With the Soofa Sign, Harpoon is able to reach visitors and residents alike to remind them the beer they’re ordering at Harpoon is brewed, quite literally, feet away. Harpoon also works with Soofa to measure and increase their brand awareness in the Seaport area, and loves for their guests to know they can come check out how their beer is brewed! With so many new things popping up in the neighborhood every day, it’s important for Harpoon Brewery to remind people they’re just down the road and excited to be a part of this thriving community.
The Results.
When first seeing their content on their neighborhood Soofa Sign, Harpoon Brewery's Chris Bonacci, Vice President of Marketing, and Juliet Tierney, Director of Digital Strategy, shared that they “felt proud!” Harpoon was among the first businesses to make the Seaport their home, and love to think that they get to be a part of something new in the community once again! As the Seaport becomes a destination for locals and visitors alike, Harpoon continues to be top of mind as the local go-to choice. Soofa connects people—and isn’t that what drinking beer is all about?