What Makes Soofa Smart Signs Different from Digital Billboards?

As the OOH industry continues to expand, new advertising options like Soofa are challenging traditional platforms like digital billboards. Research shows that marketers and advertisers are now paying more attention to how they advertise and what impact different platforms have on the environment

Although digital billboards are a common out of home advertising platform, it may not be the best option for brands who want to take a hyperlocal approach or better understand the overall ROI of their out of home campaigns.

Here’s what sets Soofa Signs apart from digital billboards as an outdoor advertising platform.


Our solar powered signs have carbon neutral approach

Soofa is the only solar powered advertising platform that is 100% carbon neutral. A solar panel on top of the sign powers an e-ink technology screen, and the body of the sign is made with recyclable aluminum. 

On the other hand, research shows that one digital billboard produces over 17 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere annually due to the electricity and light generated by its screens. 

As sustainability becomes more important to advertisers, it’s vital to consider how they can promote their messaging in an environmentally friendly way. Digital billboards have been an advertising industry standard for decades, but now they’re not the most sustainable option. Soofa Sign solar technology allows for high impact advertising, without hurting the planet. 


Hyper-specific location options 

Soofa Signs don’t have to connect to grid electricity to operate, so installation is convenient and flexible. This means they can be installed almost anywhere: the sidewalk in front of a busy restaurant, on a walking trail, or outside a bustling city building. 

This flexibility allows advertisers hyper specific demographic options. If they’re trying to target a specific age group or profession, Soofa Signs can be installed exactly where they need given the demographic data our signs can collect. 

The same can’t be said for billboards, which are most often seen above highways. Although major roadways provide opportunity for high visibility, there’s no way to guarantee messaging will reach the intended audience.

Custom ROI capabilities 

Soofa Signs also provide many options for advertisers to see ROI (return on investment). Also, our online platform SoofaTalk allows advertisers to instantly switch their messaging and engage with their audience. 

ROI can be tracked for billboards by increasing brand awareness, traffic to their website, or attendance to an event. The same can be said for Soofa Signs, in addition to using interactive elements like QR codes and call to action items.

With traditional digital billboards, messages rotate so quickly that interactive elements may not be as effective. 

Overall, though billboards continue to be a popular OOH platform, Soofa Signs provide advertising opportunities digital billboards can’t. 

To learn more about what makes Soofa Signs different from traditional options, click the link below or email sales@soofadigital.com.