10 Ways to Make Your OOH Campaign More Eco-Friendly in 2024

If your brand is still using traditional OOH platforms like billboards or large LED displays, it’s time to think about decreasing your carbon footprint. Here are 10 ways to create an OOH campaign that will make a positive impact for your brand without hurting the environment. 

  1. Choose Sustainable Materials: Choose eco-friendly or reusable materials for your advertising displays such as paper, bamboo, or biodegradable materials. Avoid materials with harmful chemicals or non-recyclable components.

  2. Use Digital Signage: Consider using digital screens and smaller displays like solar-powered Soofa Signs instead of traditional printed banners or billboards. Digital signage allows you to change content easily, reducing the need for physical materials and minimizing waste.

  3. Energy-Efficient Lighting: To illuminate your signage, use energy-efficient LED lighting or E-Ink screens to reduce electricity consumption and lower carbon emissions.

  4. Locally Sourced Production: Source materials and produce your advertising displays locally to reduce transportation emissions associated with shipping.

  5. Minimalist Design: Design your advertisements with simplicity in mind to minimize ink and material usage. A minimalist approach can also make your message more impactful and memorable.

  6. Renewable Energy: Power digital signage or lighting with renewable energy sources such as solar, like Soofa Signs. This reduces reliance on fossil fuels and decreases your carbon footprint.

  7. Recycle and Reuse: Ensure that your advertising materials are easily recyclable at the end of their lifespan. Additionally, consider utilizing displays that can be reused for future campaigns or repurposed in other ways.

  8. Offset Carbon Emissions: Calculate the carbon footprint of your advertising campaign and invest in carbon offset projects to neutralize your emissions. This could include supporting renewable energy projects in your company or community.

  9. Promote Eco-Friendly Practices: Incorporate messaging into your campaign that promotes sustainability and environmental responsibility. This can help raise awareness and let your audience know your brand is making sustainable switches.

  10. Measure and Improve: Track the environmental impact of your campaign and look for opportunities to further reduce your ecological footprint in future campaigns. Continuous improvement is key to making meaningful progress towards sustainability goals.


By implementing these eco-friendly practices and more, you can make your out-of-home advertising campaign more sustainable and contribute to a healthier planet in 2024. 

Make the switch to Soofa, the industry’s only solar-powered OOH platform. Fill out our advertiser interest form or email hi@soofadigital.com to learn more.