Breakdown on How to Measure Digital Out of Home Campaigns

Pedestrian engaging with Soofa Sign in Somerville

By using new technology and planning ahead, advertisers can measure a Digital Out of Home (DOOH) campaign’s success. Like any advertising medium, the overall success of a campaign will largely depend on strategy, messaging, and content.

Here are a few tactics that we would recommend considering when planning a DOOH campaign.

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Estimated Foot Traffic Impressions from Sensor Technology

Soofa Signs use revolutionary Sensor technology developed at MIT to provide a real-time count of estimated impressions. Soofa is the only out of home platform that uses this measurement technique, but other platforms will give an estimate of the total impressions that content could reach to give brands a sense of their campaign impact.

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Google Analytics Lift (Learn How)

Measure lift in site traffic and organic search in the areas you are advertising with Google Analytics (or any similar tracking system).

See how LeakyCon saw success with this tactic in Boston.

Digital Campaign Lift

Studies have shown that when added to the media plan, out of home increased search’s RROI by 37%. Measure if digital campaigns are performing better in areas where you are also running out of home ads.

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SMS Calls to Action

Pedestrians can be willing to text to receive a special link or piece of information, if the offer is enticing enough. These leads are simple to track manually or by using SMS marketing technology.

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QR Codes and Social Scan Codes

If you are targeting high-value leads and have an offer for them, try testing a QR code for direct attribution. Leads who come in through a QR code are typically high-intent. There are a variety of QR code generators available online, and Snapchat and Instagram accounts both have unique codes that can be generated.

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Sales Data Lift

Measure if there is an increase in product sales in the areas where you are running out of home. This is particularly relevant for brick-and-mortar locations and best when compared against a baseline.

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Traffic Studies Using Mobile Location Data

Advertisers can see campaign attribution by using location intelligence technology to track mobile IDs exposed to outdoor media who then take an action in-person or online.

Soofa conducted a foot traffic study with the High Museum of Art that found that 6% of people exposed to the High Museum’s outdoor media visited the museum within 30 days.


Ready to plan your next digital out of home campaign?