More Than Advertising with American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a voluntary health organization dedicated to saving lives and providing hope to those impacted by suicide. With a nationwide network of 73 chapters, including a statewide chapter in Massachusetts, AFSP is reaching those in local communities with opportunities to get involved in their programs and events. 

The AFSP Massachusetts Chapter is currently running a vibrant static advertising campaign on Soofa Signs to promote their annual Out of the Darkness Community Walks. We spoke with Jessica van der Stad, Executive Director of AFSP’s Massachusetts Chapter to learn why they chose Soofa Signs for this impactful cause.


Reaching A Wide Audience

Van der Stad mentioned AFSP Massachusetts is always looking for creative and interactive ways to get the word out about their life saving work. “When we previously had the opportunity to utilize billboard advertising, which traditionally can be very expensive, it was great because people actually took pictures of the ads and tagged us online. It let us know the outreach was working because often with radio or TV ads, you don't see that level of interaction,” said van der Stad. 

In order to further increase community interaction, AFSP chose Soofa Signs to promote their upcoming Walk to Prevent Suicide fundraising events. They strategically selected two signs located in Watertown at Arsenal Yards shopping center. “What sold us on Arsenal Yards is the high foot traffic, the proximity to downtown Boston, and the wide audience demographic. Plus, we've never done any specific marketing in that area before,” said van der Stad.


Inviting Visuals

A significant aspect of this campaign is the colorful vinyl design. Van der Stad came to Soofa open about the ad design, leaving room for our graphic designer RB Roe to execute their vision on the first draft, while giving AFSP’s message a bright and inviting tone.

“When thinking about this ad being viewed by an average pedestrian, it felt natural to stay with a positive tone. While the work that AFSP does is serious, it’s important for mental health resources to be accessible and approachable, and even something as small as using a more inviting color palette can help break the stigma around seeking out care for our mental health,” said Roe.

“We're highlighting suicide prevention, which is often a difficult subject to discuss in public. We wanted the design to be hopeful, eye-catching, and bright,” said van der Stad.

“A lot of times when you think about mental health you think about dark colors and I didn't want this campaign to have that appearance. I wanted it to be something that caught your eye and something people wouldn't be afraid to walk up to and interact with.”


Sharing Valuable Resources

AFSP’s goals for this campaign are to increase awareness for not only their upcoming Out of the Darkness Walk, but to also highlight the organization’s mission and share lifesaving resources. “The fact that we were able to include the 988 Suicide and Crisis Line number and a QR code that links to mental health resources in our static design was so important because the message is so much more than just advertising,” said van der Stad.

There are about 400 AFSP Out of the Darkness Community Walks happening across the nation this Fall, with nine taking place across Massachusetts. “There's a chance for people that have been impacted by suicide, whether through a loss, personal struggle or even supporting a loved one who struggles, to come out and be part of the movement,” said van der Stad. “It’s free to participate, and the money we do raise is the core of what funds our programs throughout the year.”

AFSP’s Soofa campaign will run until mid October, on track to earn them thousands of estimated impressions over the course of two months. To register or donate to the Boston Out of the Darkness Walk to Prevent Suicide, or to find a walk near you, visit

If you are in crisis or worried about someone you know, please call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.

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